Since a few weeks Sofia and Mila are writing letters to their grandparents, they don't live far away and we see them almost every week but I thought it was a good way for the girls to practice their writing skills & spelling and it would also be a fun thing to do. Last week Mila and I spend some time making enveloppes of pretty paper from our favourite magazine Flow, I made a little animation with a small tutorial on how to make these cute enveloppes with some magazine pages and Japanese tape...enjoy!!
How lovely! I will have to show this to my boys - one year my older son was really into making colorful handmade envelopes.
your envelopes are fantastic!! so cute!!
I used to make an envelope from french or english newspaper. that's looks more serious than yours :->
super leuk! ik heb speciaal daarvoor oude atlassen gekocht bij de kringloop. jammer dat mijn meisje nog niet kan schrijven (is pas 1,5jr) want oh wat zijn ze leuk die enveloppen!
it looks fun, I will try with the kids very soon ... thanks for the animation !!
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