So this is the situation right now, at the left you see the old work-room becoming our new bedroom ( with the new duvet covers I made for the girls) and at the right the old room of Sofia and Mila becoming my new workroom. I have moved in two desks and a lot of my stuff but as you see there is still a lot to do...
Veel sucses, als het straks klaar is, zul je er vast heel erg van genieten!
Groetjes Else
Zo te zien nog heel veel uurtjes werk.
grt. Helmi
What a lot of work, but good progress! I have also recently moved my studio out of our bedroom into the spare room. It is a lot more cramped for space, but it is wonderful having a neat and tidy bedroom again. Only problem when someone comes to spend the night now, we have to clear a space on the bed in my new studio!
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