Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Eating Design

Mila's classmate celebrated her birthday and instead of handing out cakes or sweets she handed out a book and some fruit. The book is 'het broodtrommel boek' a book to inspire to make nice lunchboxes instead of the boring sandwich with peanut butter everyday. The book is written and designed by Marije Vogelzang, who happens to be the mother of Mila's classmate ;-) Visit her website and take a look at her portfolio, it's filled with many interesting projects like this project Eat Love Budapest.


MUS said...

ja hier ook op de plank!
geweldig boek he?!

Anabelle said...

What a beautiful project. I have worked with Roma women and I was always touched by their stories and all the treasures they have inside them. My daughter's father is a Roma, and I hope she will carry this precious legacy in her. Thanks for sharing this video, it really moved me.

wall decals said...

I like yangtao, what about you?