New Look
Yesterday evening I spend all night behind my computerscreen to give this blog a new look, I had this change in my mind for sometime and hope you like it too. It's not completly finished yet I have to add some things here and there. One of the reasons I changed the look of the blog is to make it more simple and useable. Under the header you find some catagories you might find interesting. This year I would like to start sharing more tutorials and want to give them a more visible place. I like the new look and hope you like it too! I would love to hear your what you think.
It is nice and clean and very professional. I like it!
I too love the new look. Very easy to navigate.
Been following your blog for about a year now. And would LOVE some tutorials.
love the simplicity and pure look and think the header bar is an invaluable addition to any blog. (need to find the time to research how to add this function chez moi). off course it is hard to fail if, as here, the content is top notch. good job well done i'd say...
congratulations for your new look! Very clean and fresh!
It feels so good, simply like you wish an practical. Congratulations!
looks good Erica nice and clean but still engaging the layout is functional as well. Well Done your efforts have been well rewarded.
Ik kijk uit naar die tutorials!
Het ziet er mooi en overzichtelijk uit! Goed gelukt naar mijn smaak.
Ik ben wel benieuwd hoe je aan de kennis komt om dat allemaal aan te passen, ik krijg wel wat voor elkaar, maar wil graag ook meer veranderen.
heerlijk overzichtelijk! goed gedaan erika :)!
't ziet er goed uit, rustig en overzichtelijk, daar hou ik wel van!
Heel 'schoon', je hebt een fijne blog! Groetjes, Rozalinde
wow wat is het mooi geworden! dat wil ik ook, wat knap zeg!
Really like the new look. Glad you kept the header, looks fab!
erg mooi en overzichtelijk, maar ben ik nu de enige die je oude blog opmaak eigenlijk stiekem mooier vind? sorry...maar dat doet natuurlijk niets af aan de inhoud, want blijf je blog geweldig vinden...en wat een fantastische taart heb je gemaakt...water loopt me in de mond
congratulations !! you have done a great job. I discovered that I missed some of your tutorials and I will try them soon ...
The new layout looks great! Lovely clean lines and easy to navigate.
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