Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Paris (window) shopping

Did you already know I have an other blog? A blog about the boutiques in Paris that I love to visit? I don't post there so often but if you are planning a trip to Paris you can find there some nice adresses and if you are not going to Paris anytime soon it's a place for window shopping in the tredy streets of Paris.
I found some pictures of shops that I had not posted yet so I these coming days I will add a few more shops. If you know a nice shop that needs to be on my blog and have some nice pictures to share, please contact me. Or if you have a shop in Paris that should be on my list I'm waiting for your mail.

You can find my Paris blog here


MiMiDou said...

Oh, j'aime tant cette boutique !!! il y a tellement de petites choses qu'on a envie de tout acheter !

Veterinaire Agenda - Hiskia said...

Oh wat goed dat je me eraan herinnert! Parijs met Isis (en lief) staat dus al een tijdje op mijn lijstje, dus ik kan die tips uit je blog goed gebruiken! (en vooruit...ook een dagje Disney :-))

Mystery Shopping Services said...

Thank you for the update. Shopping in Paris you say? Now, that is going to be one great blog.