Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Miss prints and holiday break

I do all the screenprinting still all by myself and of course sometimes there are some miss prints and little flaws that make the set not suitible for selling, at least at the normal price. Normally I make the mix and match sets with these but now I have some sets that are almost perfect and so I decided to sell them as a normal set ( with paris skirt and bag) but with a reduced price. There are only a few sets availible so be quick if you want to catch one. You can find them here .

The shop will be open untill thursday evening and then the shop will be closed for about 2 or 3 weeks, after the holiday break there will be a few changes in the shop regarding prices and shipping rates.

1 comment:

Mette said...

Enjoy your summer break!! I hope, you are well...?