A little birdy told me...
After gathering images from the internet and in our head it's time to start to put some things on paper. I made a little note book for Mila to write/draw all her ideas for her party, we started to draw birds & feathers and colleting bird related items we have in our house. We already came up with some possible activities for the party, a bird quiz, making a bird cage out of paper and making some sort of birdfood. Of course if you have any ideas we love to hear them.... ( click on the top picture to see it bigger so you can read what she writes...so cute)
sweet innocent little drawings and a lovely litte book, hope the party is as cute...
A few ideas off the top of my head...
- A bird pinata could be beautiful.
- Do you know the game 'pin the tail on the donkey'? A bird version could be really cute! :)
- Something with birds eggs! There are so many beautiful ways to decorate eggs and her birthday will be in Spring time, won't it?
- Birds nests are also so pretty.
- Making origami cranes?
- Something with feathers. I love birds' feathers! :)
I can't wait to see the decorations you create!
Lucy xx
Vogels vouwen met mooi papier....
Fijn, feestjes vieren begint met voorpret.
Een paar ideetjes:
- Een silhouet van een mooi vogeltje op een etuitje, tasje of kussen maken en het meidengezelschap deze zelf verder laten versieren met restjes stof, vilt, kraaltjes of verf.
- Vogelstempeltjes maken.
- Zelf kettinghangertjes of oorbelletjes maken.
- En om dicht bij je vak te blijven samen stof bedrukken met vogeltjes.
- Dochterlief komt nog met de suggestie om een boompje met vogeltjes te maken. Ook leuk als traktatie, een boom met daarin eetbare vogeltjes.
This fun post is all about birdies http://lilibulle.canalblog.com/archives/2010/11/19/19648037.html#comments. Hope you find it inspiring because you inspired me to do a Paris theme birthday party for my daughter (your sweet "I love Paris" doll kit is one of her presents). Merci!
Wat dacht je van een 'kleine' workshop origami. Een kraanvogeltje om mee naar huis te nemen is zo gevouwen! Groetjes, Rozalinde
little bird callers would be lovely favours
..and decorating birdhouses/ making feeders...
and a guide to identifying your local birds
bird masks.
These are on my mind because this winter I repositioned the birdfeeder closer to our glass door and now we need to identify all the little birds that are watching us and waiting for me to replenish the bird feed.
Little 'nest' baskets for favours to take home or little birdhouses. I like the thought of paper mache speckled eggs. The part theme is lovely and so are the little bird drawings very sweet.
Oh what a lovely theme! What about the children make little felt bird hairclip hangers? Paris is sending one to your girls this week that she mase last year...or perhaps a felt bird hanging mobile for their rooms? Oh you are so clever Erica:):)
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