A birthday present
I don't know about you but I save all my small scraps of fabric and put them in big plactic containers and my collection of scraps keeps on growing. So now and then I try to come up with big or smaller projects to use my scraps and make them into something. This time I made a blanket for my sister as a present for her birthday. Mila helped me to sort all the blue and white fabrics and I sewed big strips and sewed those together, for the other side I used a fleece blanket I bought, you can find similar ones at Ikea. What do you do with your scraps?
I make lavender sachets from my scraps. Some for my shop and some as an extra treat for good customers. The smaller hand printed scraps I sew on cardboard and use for "thank you" cards.
Other scraps I usually give away because it's so time consuming to make something from them. -I try so hard to be more efficient in my little handmade business.
Today I'll be printing cows!
Have a lovely week!
Oh yes, i make evreything from patchworks down to coin purses down to badges, so every tiny scrap is used up. Love Posie
I'm a saver! I just can't throw my scraps out! Unless they are minuscule, I can't do it.
I make quilts, braid the strips and use as jewelry or make dolls or pillows!
Mooi! Ik maak er ook plaids van. Of knuffels, of gebruik ze om slingers van te maken. Ook voor applicatie's zijn de kleine restjes prima geschikt.
okay now I wish you were my sister
I want that quilt real bad ;)
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