Monday, May 25, 2009

Little girls dream....

We had a big surprise for our girls, we took them with the family to Ponypark city, a park with cabins and lots of pony's. They could choose a pony and take it for a whole day, to feed, to comb and of course ride it. They have been smiling ever since. Although it where only 3 short days it felt like a really long and relaxing holiday......


c.Rachel said...

That would be my dream too. Bigger horse though.

That smile speaks volumes!

vlijtig said...

Dit zouden mijn dochters ook fantastisch vinden. Als moeder moet ik me dan toch wel ergens over heen zetten.... Maar wie weet.

Simone said...

Tjee, wat veel pony's! Maar heerlijk zulke glimmende meiden!