Just one month untill Sofia's 8th birthday party. This year we choose a Frida Kahlo artist party theme, with lots of colour, painting portraits, paper flowers and lovely food. At least that is the plan, now we have to get started to get everything ready. I hope you will join me with the preparation fun, perhaps you have a great idea for this party theme, or perhaps you have a jummie recipe that I can make for the party, I love to hear from you :-))
oh my! that tissue paper cut is so amazing! i love it! i can't wait to see how it all comes together. maybe, i can get some salsa recipes for you! i will ask my husband
Mooi Erika, echt mooi thema. Dank je wel voor het feit dat je mijn linten als inspiratie daarvoor gebruikt. Een eer om Frida's sfeer te mogen mede-creeren.
What a fun theme. I am trying to get a similar feel for our upcoming fiesta. I have been making tissue paper pom-pons as well and tissue paper flowers attached to barrettes for the little girls to wear in their hair and mustaches for the boys. I am excited to see how your party turns out. Take care!
This is fantastic! we are having almost the same theme for my daughter's 10th birthday but hers is not until the last weekend in July! I have found some art teachers lesson plans about Frida Kahlo online, and hope to get some things picked up for me in Mexico by my husband (if he is allowed to travel there again before the party). My daughter wants a "taco bar"! I have also found some great Frida inspired art on etsy (have ordered two prints for my birthday to inspire her and as a memento). I am thinking that we might incorporate collage work rather than just paint (hoping IKEA will have some frames tp put the pieces in). thank you for sharing Corina
I stumbled across your site through Bloesem kids this evening and it is lovely. Coincidentally I just finished the invitation design for my daughter's Frida Kahlo themed party today and then found the beautiful pictures from your own daughter's party. It is heart warming to see that children all over the world love Frida (my daughter is only turning 3 but adores the Frida story book by Jonah Winter with Ana Juan's gorgeous illustrations). Thanks for sharing your photos and thus giving me more ideas for our upcoming celebration. Julie
I can see that you and I have some common aesthetic leanings! I'll have to heart you on Etsy. Please check out my Frida dolls there, too! http://snapdragon13.etsy.com
Weer een geweldig leuk thema!
Ideetje: een piñata in de tuin.
Veel plezier met de voorbereidingen.
very nice pictures ;)
oh my! that tissue paper cut is so amazing! i love it! i can't wait to see how it all comes together. maybe, i can get some salsa recipes for you! i will ask my husband
Hi! I´m visiting from Isabelle´s. You have such a lovely blog! And your prints are so funky! Have a great fiesta!
frida kahlo is inderdaad een ongelooflijke inspiratiebron!
mooi thema!! ben benieuwd hoe je het gaat doen!
even snel denken.. : de kinderen zelfportretten laten maken? en zelf hun taco's samenstellen?
enne fijne slingers!
Super leuk!
Vlechten, daar moet ik aan denken. Bovenop het hoofd van Frida, maar misschien kunnen de kinderen wel allerlei vlecht-werkjes maken...
En volgens mij heb jij iets met Parijs...heb je nog leuke tips want ik ga er zondag heen!
I nominated you for a Kreativ Blogger award.
I absolutely love what you do and am very grateful that you blog about it.
The rules, and what I wrote about your blog can be seen on my blog.
Mooi Erika, echt mooi thema. Dank je wel voor het feit dat je mijn linten als inspiratie daarvoor gebruikt. Een eer om Frida's sfeer te mogen mede-creeren.
Great theme! I gave you an award! check out my blog for details! xx
What a fun theme. I am trying to get a similar feel for our upcoming fiesta. I have been making tissue paper pom-pons as well and tissue paper flowers attached to barrettes for the little girls to wear in their hair and mustaches for the boys. I am excited to see how your party turns out. Take care!
This is fantastic! we are having almost the same theme for my daughter's 10th birthday but hers is not until the last weekend in July! I have found some art teachers lesson plans about Frida Kahlo online, and hope to get some things picked up for me in Mexico by my husband (if he is allowed to travel there again before the party). My daughter wants a "taco bar"! I have also found some great Frida inspired art on etsy (have ordered two prints for my birthday to inspire her and as a memento). I am thinking that we might incorporate collage work rather than just paint (hoping IKEA will have some frames tp put the pieces in).
thank you for sharing
I stumbled across your site through Bloesem kids this evening and it is lovely. Coincidentally I just finished the invitation design for my daughter's Frida Kahlo themed party today and then found the beautiful pictures from your own daughter's party. It is heart warming to see that children all over the world love Frida (my daughter is only turning 3 but adores the Frida story book by Jonah Winter with Ana Juan's gorgeous illustrations). Thanks for sharing your photos and thus giving me more ideas for our upcoming celebration. Julie
A very good idea this birthday !!!
A lot of surprises here and very beautifull. I'm so happy to beguin my sunday on your blog !
I can see that you and I have some common aesthetic leanings! I'll have to heart you on Etsy. Please check out my Frida dolls there, too! http://snapdragon13.etsy.com
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