Happy New year to you. I think this will be a great year a lot of
things will be going on , i organized two workshops "design and
make your own softie" at the end of this month in Kunstwerk
Spangen, one for adults and one for children.
I really hope that the people will love it and that i can do this
more often.
Also i will try to have some private 'spring 'sales, one of them
hopefully in Paris at a friends place together with Marine from
One of my most important things i need to do is to finish my
webpage,it's almost ready just need a few details and pictures
I went shopping for some nice textiles for myself, found some nice
japanese cottons I used one of them already for one of the swaps
i'm working on at this moment.
things will be going on , i organized two workshops "design and
make your own softie" at the end of this month in Kunstwerk
Spangen, one for adults and one for children.
I really hope that the people will love it and that i can do this
more often.
Also i will try to have some private 'spring 'sales, one of them
hopefully in Paris at a friends place together with Marine from
One of my most important things i need to do is to finish my
webpage,it's almost ready just need a few details and pictures
I went shopping for some nice textiles for myself, found some nice
japanese cottons I used one of them already for one of the swaps
i'm working on at this moment.

1 comment:
HI I just stumbled upon your site, I really like the soft toys that you create, they're soo cute! Goodluck with the workshops, I would attend if I could!
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